Real freedom isn’t found in the world – it’s found in God.
In our latest Convo of Thee Ultimate Love Letter podcast, we explore how God wants to give us a life beyond anything we could ever dream of, but we have to go through Him to receive it.
When we surrender and open up to God He fills our lives with purpose, adventure and limited possibilities.
He takes us places we never imagined, leads us on paths that are fresh and full of life, and gives us the freedom to live creatively, playfully and without fear.
Are you ready to step into true freedom? A life where you’re not just surviving but thriving- where you’re walking in divine purpose, unburdened, and fully alive?
Discover how God wants to set you free and lead you into a life of joy, renewal and boundless opportunity. Listen now!

Here are other recent Convos intended to inspire you as you journey towards greatness!
Thank you for listening!
I’ve done a new thing…
One of my favorite things about world travel is venturing through boutiques, artisan shops and flea markets, in search of that one unique piece that embodies the culture I’m visiting.
I absolutely love sharing my travel and so I’ve begun thinking, I’d love to share more.
I’ve been secretly collecting one or two pieces of the treasure I find around the world, and have added them to an online shop…for you!
I personally own one of every item in the shop, making this a shared experience. This is an intentional curated collection; It’s also very limited. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Enjoy!

Wanna impact Thee world further with me?
We have a brand new beautiful partnership with 4Ocean to help with the removal of plastic from our oceans, rivers and coastlines. Every bracelet purchased removes 5 lbs. of plastic.
Thee smallest waves often lead to Thee greatest impacts!
The link below contains a special discount code as a “Thank you” in advance for doing your part to helping build a cleaner world for marine life and ourselves.
Have you heard…I’ve released a FREE eBook!
Download your copy today and get going living the life of your Dreams! I’ll see you at the Top!
If you desire achieving something specific that has been escaping you, please reach out – I’m gifting one-on-one conversations to help serve our growing community. Please reach me here. *Limited time offer*
If you’d love to simply say “hello” or offer suggestions on a topic you’d like to hear discussed on our podcast, please reach me on any of the following social sites:
Until next time, love yourself and love others,