You know those nudges you often get deep down attempting to grab your attention? You know the ones that gently tug at you, and often times, requesting you to do something?
What If I told you those little prompts are our guidance from the Divine, attempting to lead us towards all we truly want?
Do you know If we were to follow that gentle guidance each time we heard that little whisper asking us to “make that call”, “go to that location” or “start that blog” before long, we would find ourselves smack dab in the middle of what we’ve been attempting to create all along.
This gentle inspiration that is rising from deep within, are leading us to a Powerful place. When we are following the guidance we hear, we often find we are able to heal our entire life from this very stance.
We’re getting into what a life looks like when we begin to follow those intuitive nudges, hunches and calls from within. Listen in on Thee Ultimate Love Letter Podcast. Link below.
If you desire achieving something specific that has been escaping you, please reach out – I’m gifting one-on-one conversations to help serve our growing community. Please send me a message here.
If you’d love to simply say “hello” or offer suggestions on a topic you’d like to hear discussed on our podcast, please reach me on any of the following social sites linked on our home page.
Thank you for listening!
Love yourself and Love others,